Routine Absence

Well… Hello. It’s been a hot minute (or almost three months) since I have last blogged. Do I have an excuse?? Not really. I could make up a abundance of excuses maybe mention school, or personal reasons but there isn’t one reason that stands out above the rest. IK fellow reader,  it makes NO sense. So let’s do a quick catch up. What has the blog been missing from my life in the past three months? Well here’s what has been going down, highlight edition.

march 2017

-I went to districts for debate and failed to qualify for nats for the second year in the row (this was a huge reason why I didn’t blog and this event was probably the biggest disappointment I’ve ever experienced and when my life really started to go downhill. This subject is going to have an entire blog post about it so look out for that)

-I went to texas for college touring during spring break. I visited Baylor, TCU and Rice. Again there will be a  blog post(s) about these colleges/ my opinons about them so again look out for those

april 2017

-PROM. now that was a fun time. legit it was everything I could have every imagined and probably the highlight of junior year

-debate stuff. we have election for new officers and found out we are doing model UN next year so  that’s super cool

may 2017

-AP TESTING. I took five AP tests in 2 weeks. Crazy. I legit always had a Princeton review in my room for the past month so to finally be done with exams is the best feeling!

-I gave eighth grade tours. If you remember from last year, I gave tours around my new school last year. blog post below about it but I got to do it again and it is super fun and ugh my sister is entering high school next year i’m so excited.

present day 2017

well know that you have caught up on my life, i want to say that over the summer while i’m busy tackling college apps and other projects, i am going to try and upload twice a week (cringe). i have been bad at keeping schedules and i’m a bit unreliable in terms of this blog but i am legit putting a reminder on my phone to keep up with this.

also if i ever disappear for a long amount of time (hopefully that never happens EVER again), i do have a goodreads that I frequently upload on and i was somewhat active on during this hiatus so check it out if you want.

anyways i think that’s all. see ya in quick minute friends!

goodreads link:

blog post talking about tours: